An introduction to P&Cs
One of the greatest assets of an education at Brisbane State High School (BSHS) is the wonderful diversity of nationalities and cultures that make up the school’s student cohort. For many families, this could be their first encounter with a P&C Association. We warmly welcome all families to join and get involved in our P&C, whether it is your first experience with a P&C or you are a P&C veteran!
Please read on here if you’d like to know more about the concept of a P&C and why they exist in the first instance, as well as how P&C Associations are structured and governed in Queensland.
What is a P&C
Parents and Citizens’ (P&C) Associations are not for profit organisations that work in productive partnership with their school and the community to enhance the outcomes of students. P&Cs do this in various ways including facilitating a school’s development and promoting its interests and further improvements in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for all its students.
A P&C Association provides feedback and advice on school policies and activities, assists in providing resources to enhance student outcomes and are involved in a variety of school activities including fundraising, school functions, staffing and managing a canteen, uniform shop, and other supportive infrastructure.
A P&C is a group of volunteers, governed by an elected Executive Committee that may also employ staff to provide and operate various services. P&C’s use any profits from these services, along with fundraising efforts, to support extra-curricula activities and to contribute to various school projects.
As the name suggests, P&Cs are unique in that they provide an avenue through which parents and the school communicate and collaborate. At BSHS the P&C elects two members every year who join the School Council, providing a formal channel to parents through which they can influence the school’s strategy and its implementation.
In Queensland P&Cs are established under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 and Education (General Provisions) Regulation 2017. Queensland P&Cs are a statutory body under the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982 but, are not incorporated entities under the Associations Incorporations Act 1981. The nature of P&Cs, their legitimate authority to raise funds and their volunteers arrangement are subject to a range of governance regulations, policies and procedures. Detailed information on these can be found on the Queensland Government’s Department of Education P&C pages.
P&C Queensland is the peak parent body representing the interests of Queensland state school Parents and Citizens Associations. It has a website, accessible by clicking their logo, that provides a wealth of information on how Queensland P&Cs are to operate, and about P&Cs more generally.
If you’d like to know more know about BSHS P&C in particular, check out our About page here.